How to recognize a Japanese person in English conversation

1 min readMay 21, 2023


Have you ever wondered, “Where does this person come from?” when conversing with an Asian? If your partner is Japanese, you would notice immediately.

Vague expressions

Most Japanese don’t like to express their opinions because they don’t want to be responsible for what they say and don’t want people to pay attention to them.

They obviously lack confidence. This is not their fault, but the fault of education in my country. I’ll write about this in another article.

Anyway, as can be seen from the above, they always say “I would say”, “I guess”, “I’m not sure” and stuff like that. These phrases are really useful for them.

Immediate apology

When something happens to them, they would say “sorry”. Even if it wasn’t their fault. This is Actually Japanese culture and personality.

I’m proud of that because if someone could apologize, things wouldn’t get any worse. Of course, sometimes they need to argue.

If this person often uses vague expressions or apologizes quickly, this is probably Japanese. Thank you for reading. Arigato:)

